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Common questions about the Center for Water Quality Excellence.

  • What is the CWQE?

    The Center for Water Quality Excellence (CWQE) is a project of PENNVEST aiding landowners, local governments, businesses, and organizations in navigating planning, implementation and funding opportuni...

  • What are the Center's hours of operation?

    The Center's office in Columbia Borough, Lancaster County is open three days a week Tuesday – Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  The address is 430 Walnut Street, Suite 303, Columbia, PA. ...

  • How do I register for services?

    To register for a CWQE account, go to [] and select the Sign-In link in the upper right corner of the page. On the next page, select the Need an Acco...

  • How are CWQE services accessed?

    Customers in the pilot area and the general public can access the online self-help Support Hub knowledge base resources anytime at  Registered users can request one-on-one a...

  • Who is the CWQE's audience?

    The Center’s audience includes farmers, businesses, municipalities, other forms of local governments, and institutions, as well as organizations and partnerships whose mission is to improve water qual...

  • Where is the Center for Water Quality Excellence located?

    CWQE has a physical storefront located at 430 Walnut Street, Suite 303, in Columbia Borough, Lancaster County, Pa.  Beginning August 16, 2021, the CWQE office will be open three days a week from 9:00 ...

  • Does the CWQE provide technical support, such as planning assistance or on-site preliminary assessments?

    CWQE coaches will connect you with local technical support providers from both the public and private sectors. However, there may be situations where local assistance is not available, and we will wor...

  • Does the CWQE offer financial support for stormwater projects?

    CWQE does not provide financing directly.   The Centers role is to help customers take advantage of the numerous grants, loan, and public-private partnerships available to support stormwater infrastru...

  • How long should it take to get a response from the Support Hub?

    Assistance requests will be acknowledged by an automated email from the CWQE Support Hub within 5-10 minutes.  A CWQE coach will initiate a response within 48 hours of receiving a request. The nature ...

  • Is registration required to receive one-on-one assistance?

    Yes.  Customers can register online at [] by supplying your name and email address. You can also call 855-227-1202 and a Center staff member can regis...